Basic System:
- Boot into the installer and establish network access, loadkeys adn ntp
- Partition the drive with parted
- Format the partitions with mkfs.ext4
- If using swap, use mkswap and swapon to format and enable the swap paritions
- Mount the root partion to /mnt
- Create mount points under /mnt and mount partitions as necessary.
Select mirrors in /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
Start the install process
- Generate an fstab
- Chroot in
- Set the hostname in /etc/hostname
- Symlink the correct timezone, Set the hardware clock to store UTC time
Uncomment en_US.UTF-8 in /etc/locale.gen, run locale-gen and create /etc/locale.conf with content LANG=en_US.UTF-8
Set keyboard layout in /etc/vconsole.conf
- Write netctl profiles in /etc/netctl and enable netctl-ifplugd@interface and netctl-auto@interface services as appropriate
- Enable the ntpd service 1. Set the root password with passwd
- Install a boot loader.
- Exit the chroot and recursively unmount the partitions. Reboot into the new install
- Create a personal account
Set up sudo with visudo
Log into the personal account and set up the home folder
Generate a mirrorlist with reflector
##Desktop or Laptop
- Install sounds:
- Install GUI packages:
- Install a video driver:
Install Display manager ( and Desktop Enviroment (
Configure Xorg
- Install user packages: