Simplified guide to adjust mouse Hz in Arch Linux

guide to adjust mouse sensitivity for gaming

In this week I switched fully to Arch Linux. At evenings I like to play Counter-Strike Global Offensive and World of Warcraft. My problem was to change mouse Hz sensitivity for gaming.

Here is simpified guide from Arch Wiki to adjust the mouse polling rate.

Firstly you must creat text file to "/etc/modprobe.d/modprobe.conf". In file you write the following line. The number of the line is the rate in ms of the mouse. In my case i setted the value of 3 which is between 250-500Hz.

options usbhid mousepoll=3

To set the polling rate without reboot, you can use following commands

sudo su
modprobe -r usbhid && modprobe usbhid

Here is table for adjusting correct polling rate.

Hz ms
1000 1
500 2
250 4
150 8
100 10

For more detailed information check the official Arch Wiki page

#Disable mouse acceleration

I also wanted to disable the mouse acceleration. Easiest way was to use xset.

Firstly check the current acceleration speed.

xset q | grep -A 1 Pointer

My output was:

Pointer Control: acceleration: 2/1 threshold: 10

Then set the acceleration and threshold. In my case I used 0 from both values.

xset m 0 0

To verify that the command accepted succesfully use the same “xset q” -command.

If you want to set to value from boot then create the desktop entry.

Create file to “sudo nano ~/.config/autostart/deacc_xset.desktop”.

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Disable mouse acceleration
Exec=xset m 0 0

For more infor about mouse acceleration read the Arch Wiki page.

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